
Hur man dubblerar sin förmögenhet från 1 kr till en miljon dollar i 21 steg

Detta är en intressant idé från Stuart Goldsmith: Hur man dubblerar sin förmögenhet från 1 kr till en miljon dollar i 21 steg ...

Grundtanken är att inte använda en krona av dina egna pengar. Hitta istället 1 krona och tänka  ett sätt att fördubbla det. Kanske genom att göra ett rolig vad med en kompis till exempel. Försök sedan att fördubbla 2 kronor på något sätt.

Maila till om du antar utmaningen och vill blogga om varje steg.
Tanken är att hitta 3-7 bloggare som vill blogga om varje steg och beskriva vilka metoder man använt för att dubblera de 21 stegen. Jag kommer att börja använda metoden under maj 2011 och fortsätta till dec 2012.

Här är de 21 stegen

Steg 1: Hitta en krona som ligger på marken
Steg 2: 1 kr 2 kr
Steg 3: 2 kr 4 kr
Steg 4: 4 kr 8 kr
Steg 5: 8 kr 16 kr
Steg 6: 16 kr 32 kr
Steg 7: 32 kr 64 kr
Steg 8: 64 kr 128 kr
Steg 9: 128 kr 256 kr
Steg 10: 256 kr - 512 kr  (Kalla det 500 kronor till att göra det enklare)
Steg 11:  500 kr - 1000 kr 
Steg 12:  1000 kr - 2000 kr
Steg 13:  2000 kr - 4000 kr
Steg 14:  4000 kr - 8000 kr
Steg 15:  8000 kr - 16000 kr
Steg 16:  16000 kr -  32000 kr
Steg 17:  32000 kr  - 64000 kr
Steg 18:  64000 kr - 128000 kr
Steg 19:  128000 kr - 256000 kr
Steg 20:  256000 kr  512000 kr
Steg 21:  512000 kr  - 1280000 kr


The Rules  (The actual rules are in bold type. Supplementary information is in lighter type.) Definition:- The amount of money you have at any one time (depending on which step you are on) is called 'the stake'. Initially, your stake is nothing. Then it's 1p, then it's 2p, etc. On starting (say) step 16, your stake would be £160.

Rule 1. You must find or be given the first coin; a 1p piece. Ideally you should find it in the street, etc. Give yourself at least one month to do so, although in reality you will find it in the first day or week at most. You must not use 1p of your own money.  Any money you find after this 1p (during any stage of using this system) can be added to the stake money. E.g. finding a £10 note in the street (assuming you can’t find the owner!) immediately leapfrogs you on step 12 (or can be added to the stake money if you are on a later stage).

Rule 2. You must use only the stake money during the current doubling attempt - you cannot supplement it with your own money, borrowed money, etc. You don't have to use all the stake money but you can't use more than the stake money. This is explained further in rule 4.

Rule 3. During the first fifteen steps you must use the actual coins and notes gained in the preceding step.  Let me explain. Supposing you are on step 9 and have just doubled £1.28 into £2.56 (say two £1 coins, a 50p, a 5p and a 1p). You must use these actual coins as your stake money for step 10, and not different notes/coins, or a cheque for £2.56. After step 15, it gets difficult to keep it up as the larger amounts of money will be in the bank and sales/trades will have to be done by cheque, etc. After step 15 I urge you to set up a separate bank account just for this doubling operation, but this is not a rule, just a suggestion. 5

Rule 4. If your current step results in more than doubling, then you must spend  the surplus on yourself and leave only the approved stake money.  For example, if you are on step 17 and manage to change your stake of £320 into £700, then you must spend the extra £60 (leaving you with £640) and not carry this onto the next step to make it easier. Put simply - start each step with only the stake money allowed for that step.

Rule 5. If your current action results in less than doubling, then you may use as much of  the original stake and profit to complete this step. In short, on any one step you don't have to double the money in one transaction. You can carry out as many transactions as you like, until you have succeeded in doubling the stake money.  Example: You are on step 18 (£640-£1280) and you manage to do a deal which increases the £640 stake to (say) £900. You may now use that £900 in another deal to try and reach £1280.

Rule 6. You must keep a diary of events. Use any notebook. One page per step. Head each of 28 pages with a title e.g.  STEP 11  £5-£10.  On the page you will record the date and method of achieving the step. You will also use it for planning the next step - coming up with ideas of how to achieve it.

Rule 7. Throughout your doublings, you will need several different strategies. It's obvious that the strategy for turning £1.28 into £2.56 will be different from the strategy for turning £160,000 into £320,000. Because of this, rule 7 (the most important rule) is: Don't worry about how you are going to manage future doublings. Concentrate only on the current doubling. (Thinking too far ahead will discourage you. Avoid deadly thoughts like this: “Sure, I can double £5 into £10, but how am I going to double £40,000-£80,000? It’s impossible. I may as well give up now.”)

Rule 8. You'll be tempted to break the chain when you get to a reasonable amount of money (e.g. £50,000). This temptation will be overwhelming the more money you make. So here is the most difficult rule of all: You're not allowed to spend one penny of the money (apart from as a stake) until you have one million pounds+ in the bank. Then it's all yours.  I have to tell you that most people remain poor for one major reason - lack of discipline. This indiscipline permeates their lives from top to bottom. Rule eight is the toughest of the lot. Do you have what it takes? You think so? Hmm, I wonder. Imagine you have £100,000 in the bank right now. Can't you think of a lot of 'stuff' you would want to run out and buy? Can you resist this temptation? We'll see...

Rule 9. Another tough rule: You must not divert money into the system which you would have got anyway had you not been doing the system. You must always use the stake money to gain the next step. Essentially then, you must trade to achieve each step, rather than work (in employment) to achieve it. You may take on extra work outside of your normal field of occupation, but I warn you now that there are strict limits to how far you will get using this approach. Trade, don’t work.

Rule 10. You must use only the stake money, and not 'stolen' or 'hidden' resources.  You can use resources that you own and are fully paid for (e.g. a PC, Fax Machine, car, etc.) but these should retain their value after you have finished the step (e.g. you can't sell them to raise money!). You should also avoid using anything which is part of an existing business run by you because the hidden costs are being born by that business and not by the system. Ditto for using your car, if the running costs are not being paid out of the stake money. Use common sense. The odd phone call 'on the house' or trip in the car is okay. Running a taxi service using a car you already own, or making 10,000 copies of a manual on the office photocopier, free of charge amounts to stealing from outside the system. The doubling system should ideally 'stand alone', well apart from your normal employment and method of making money.

Rule 11. This is the snakes and ladders rule. If you 'fail' on a step, you must drop down the 'snake' until you arrive at the step represented by your remaining money - and start again from that step. E.g. you are trying to double £5-£10. You buy something for £2, hoping to sell it. You fail and have lost the £2, leaving you with £3. You are now back to step 10 (£2.56-£5.12).

Rule 12. You are allowed to add your labour. For example, you can buy raw materials for £20 (stake money), and rework them into something which you sell for £40. You will quickly realise the limits of this approach, however, and this is a powerful teaching lesson. You can't get rich by working in a conventional manner.

Rule 13. The 'master strategy' which works for every step is as follows:- "Use the stake money to create a value which you can sell for more." Ponder on this, meditate upon it. Herein lies the key to your success. Incidentally, this is the master strategy behind every single company, large or small, across the globe.